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End Mega Factory Farming

We need to transform the way we farm before it's too late.

Mega Farms, big factory farms crammed with thousands to hundreds of thousands of animals, make us sick, pollute our waters and fuel the climate emergency.

We bear the costs. Farmers bear the costs due to lack of support for nature-positive practices and unfair pay. Animals have been bearing the costs for decades...enduring the worst form of suffering.

There is a solution, but we must act.

Urge governments to support a United Nations Global Agreement to reform the way we farm.

Sign the petition now.

Background image credit: Vince Penn / We Animals Media

A row of combine harvesters in a crop field

Stop the expansion to safeguard our future. 

In industrial farms, billions of animals are cruelly confined or bred for abnormal growth or high yields. 40% of global arable land is used to feed animals instead of people – driving deforestation, biodiversity loss and species extinction.

The enormous demands of mega farms for animal feed and land place tremendous pressures on our environment, contributing to the depletion of critical natural resources like water and soil, which we heavily depend on for growing food.

Citizens worldwide have fought against mega farm expansion, but agri-giants continue to expand and build new factory farms, wreaking havoc on the environment. It’s time for governments to step in!

Read the petition

A group of protesters

What Can We Do?

  • Action Point 1: Stop Mega Farm Expansion Immediately

Governments must take decisive measures to halt the unchecked growth of mega-farms to prevent further damage to our environment and communities.

  • Action Point 2: Unite Against Agri-Giants

Governments must unite against agri-giants, prioritising profits over the well-being of people, animals, and the planet.

  • Action Point 3: Local to Global Collaboration for Nature-Positive Farming Practices

Encourage local and national governments, policy-makers and farmers to collaborate in transitioning to animal- and nature-positive farming methods.

Cows grazing in a field with sunset sky

Petition to world leaders

There is an urgent need to transform the food system. If the global community is to meet the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate Agreement targets and the goals of the Convention on Biological Diversity, action must be taken to end intensive animal farming.

We, the undersigned, call on world leaders to develop a Global Agreement on food and farming for adoption by the United Nations General Assembly, with the objective being to move away from industrial animal agriculture and:

  • Shift to nature-positive farming systems that help restore biodiversity and soils and keep the global increase in average temperatures below 1.5˚C.
  • Reverse over-reliance on animal protein in high consuming populations and support equitable, secure access to nutritious food.
  • Ensure a just transition to a global food system that provides fair livelihoods for farmers and protects the rights of indigenous peoples, women, and vulnerable communities.
  • Achieve a financial and regulatory environment which helps to secure the above transition.
  • Deliver high standards of farmed animal welfare.

A flower-rich grass margin alongside crop field to promote biodiversity

A food & farming transformation

A brighter future is possible. One where nature-positive, higher welfare farming supports the regeneration of nature and regeneration of soils, fairer livelihoods for farmers and nutritious food for all.

We’re building a global movement of citizens, organisations and forward-thinking businesses, calling on governments to urgently transform our food system and end factory farming.

Organizations supporting the call for a Global Agreement

  • World Animal Protection logo
  • Compassion in World Farming logo
  • Djurens Ratt logo
  • We Animals Media logo
  • Eurogroup for Animals logo
  • Sinergia Animal logo
  • The Humane League logo
  • Animals Aotearoa logo
  • Humane Education logo
  • Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations logo
  • Fórum Animal logo
  • World Animal Justice logo

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much

Helen Keller
Join the movement